After completing your project report, please self evaluate the project and if completed in teams, the contribution of each member of the team (including yourself). For each category, please use the following scale: -------------------------------------------------- 1 - Not present or extremely minimal 2 - Developing but significantly deficient 3 - Slightly deficient but still mostly adequate 4 - Meets requirements 5 - Above and beyond expectations --------------------------------------------------- For each question, place the number corresponding to the desired category in front of the question so that: - Demonstrates understanding of the business needs / context of the data - Demonstrates ability to handle non-trivial dataset ... Becomes something like: 4 - Demonstrates understanding of the business needs / context of the data 5 - Demonstrates ability to handle non-trivial dataset ... Then, provide a description / justification at the end. ******************** * The Project ******************** - Demonstrates understanding of the business needs / context of the data - Demonstrates ability to handle non-trivial dataset - Demonstrates proper algorithm selection and application - Discovered something interesting / of value - Demonstrates understanding of limitations of the solution and potential ethical issues - Conversant in appropriate terminology and technologies - Overall Project Please provide any overall comments about the project and a justification for your selections here: ******************** * Team Projects ******************** If the project was completed in teams, please complete the remaining sections: ******************** * Your Contribution ******************** Name: - Fulfilled assigned tasks and took initiative - Helped others learn and succeed - Attendance and team communication - Overall Contribution Please briefly describe your contribution and justify your selections above: ******************** * Teammate #1 ******************** Name: - Fulfilled assigned tasks and took initiative - Helped others learn and succeed - Attendance and team communication - Overall Contribution Please briefly describe this team member's contribution and justify your selections above: ******************** * Teammate #2 (If applicable) ******************** Name: - Fulfilled assigned tasks and took initiative - Helped others learn and succeed - Attendance and team communication - Overall Contribution Please briefly describe this team member's contribution and justify your selections above: