12 Prove : Semester Project Report - Rough Draft
Your assignment this week is to complete a rough draft of your final project report. Please see the Semester Project Report document in I-Learn for more details of what to expect.
No, really...please go look at that link, read over what you will submitting, then come back here.
For this week, you will not be completely finished with your projects and analysis yet, however, you should be able to fill in much of the information and then include placeholders for things that have not yet been completed.
At a minimum, you should have some content in every section of the document. Sections such as the introduction and data processing should be pretty much complete and polished at this point.
In your results section, if you have graphs or charts that are not ready yet, you should have placeholders for them (e.g., 'Insert graph here showing the blood pressure over time for the target population' or 'Placeholder for the final dendrogram showing the clustering of our families').
Your conclusions section will likely be the least complete of your document, and at this point you might have "to do" bullet points like: "Discuss the top 3 association rules we found, and why the business would care about them" or "Discuss the action items for the school principals based on our results here."
When complete, submit to I-Learn a PDF copy of your rough draft.