Machine Learning & Data Mining | CSE 450

06 Teach : Semester Project Update

Data Understanding and High Level Planning

This week, you need to firm up your understanding of the data that you are planning to work with for your semester project.

Upload a document containing answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the overall objective of your project?

  2. Where/how are you going to obtain the data? For example, do you need to scrape the data from a web source, contact a company or individual for access/permission?

  3. Are there any copyright or terms of service limitations that may affect your ability to work with the data?

  4. What type of machine learning algorithm / process do you anticipate using (e.g., classification, regression, clustering) and if applicable, what variable(s), in particular, will you be trying to classify, etc.

  5. How many and what type of attributes do you anticipate? (e.g., less than than 10 vs. 50-100, numeric vs. nominal, time-series data, etc.)

  6. How many instances or records do you anticipate?

  7. What do you see as the biggest risk to the success of your project?