14 Team : Final Project Report


Final Project Report

This week, you'll submit a report discussing how the project development process went. Some people call this a postmortem.


  1. Read the Project Report Instructions.

  2. Review the project rubric, which you'll use to evaluate your project.

  3. Use this project template to write your report.

  4. Online students, in the report, there is a place to include a link to a project demo video.

    This video should be posted as an unlisted or public video on YouTube (not private) or Vimeo. Please do not use another video hosting service, and make sure you test that everyone on your team can see the video without using a password.

    The video should be 5 – 7 minutes long, describe the sponsor, the purpose of the app, show off major features you are particularly proud of, describe any major technical challenges you faced and what you did to overcome them.

  5. Upload the final report to I-Learn. Everyone on the team must submit their own report.