# 07 Ponder : Weekly Reflection 1. Did you fulfill all aspects of your team agreement this week, or if there was an infraction, did you fulfill the appropriate accountability measure? (If not, please explain.) 2. Did you hold your teammates accountable for upholding their commitments this week? (If not, please explain.) 3. Are there any concerns regarding your project or your team that you want the teacher to know about? 4. What is the purpose of a UML class diagram? 5. What are some benefits of the MVC pattern? 6. What are some drawbacks to the MVC pattern? 7. A common design-pattern interview question is "Describe the difference between the MVC pattern and the MVP variant.". How would you answer that question? 8. How would you explain to a new developer why they should go through the trouble of using the MVC pattern? 9. Give an example of when the MVC pattern would be overkill for a project. 10. How many hours did you spend on this class this week? 07 Prepare - 07 Teach - 07 Prove - 07 Ponder - 07 Team Project - ---------------------------- Total Hours -