# 05 Ponder : Weekly Reflection 1. Describe one challenge your team experienced working on the Android activity. 2. What is the difference between an Activity and an Intent? 3. Describe how the onCreate() callback works. 4. What's the biggest challenge you've experienced regarding Android development compared to pure Java development? 5. After completing the assignments this week, what questions do you still have? 6. A common Android-related interview question is "What's the difference between onPause() and onDestroy() and what kinds of things might you do in those functions?". How would you answer that question? 7. Of all of the resources and tutorials in this week's assignments, which was the _most_ helpful to you and why? 8. Of all of the resources and tutorials in this week's assignments, which was the _least_ helpful to you and why? 9. How many hours did you spend on this class this week? 05 Prepare - 05 Teach - 05 Prove - 05 Ponder - ---------------------------- Total Hours -