# 04 Ponder : Weekly Reflection 1. Describe one challenge your team experienced working on the GitHub activity. 2. What are the advantages to using a version control system like git? 3. What is the difference between git and GitHub? 4. What is the purpose of branching in git? 5. Imagine you're working as a software developer for someone who doesn't have any experience with programming. How would you describe version control and git to your employer? 6. After completing the assignments this week, what questions do you still have? 7. A common git-related interview question is "How do you revert a commit that has already been pushed and made public?". How would you answer that question? 8. Of all of the resources and tutorials in this week's assignments, which was the _most_ helpful to you and why? 9. Of all of the resources and tutorials in this week's assignments, which was the _least_ helpful to you and why? 10. How many hours did you spend on this class this week? 04 Prepare - 04 Teach - 04 Prove - 04 Ponder - ---------------------------- Total Hours -