Software Design and Development :: CS 246

02 Team : Team Formation


Team Formation

This week, you need to self-identify teams of 3 these week. This forum is designed to aid in that process.

Once you've identified a team you'd like to be on, you need to contact the person who propsed the project and see if you can join that team.

I will sometimes allow teams of 2, or teams of 4 or 5, but you need to make a strong case for why such a team would benefit your project.

Once you've identified the team you'd like to be on, post your request to the associated I-Learn quiz. If you are unable to find a team, I will put you together with other people who also can't find a team. Historically, these teams do not do very well, so avoid that at all costs.


  1. Read through the project ideas in Slack and find one that looks interesting.

  2. Contact the person associated with the project to see if you can join their team.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you find a team.

  4. Submit your team member's names to the associated quiz on I-Learn.