# 01 Ponder : Weekly Reflection 1. Describe one challenge your team experienced working on the Hello World activity. 2. For the NSA Cryptography assignment, what did you learn about how Java parameter passing differs from C++? 3. Did you complete the Stretch Challenge for the NSA Cryptography? If so, briefly describe what you did, and how you structured your code. 4. What did you learn from comparing your code to the teacher's solution? 5. After completing the assignments this week, what questions do you still have? 6. If you were getting paid to work on this week's Prove assignment and you had another month to work on it, what would you add? 7. A common Java interview question is "What are javadocs and when should they be used?". How would you answer that question? 8. Of all of the resources in this week's Preparation assignment, which was the _most_ helpful to you and why? 9. Of all of the resources in this week's Preparation assignment, which was the _least_ helpful to you and why? 10. How many hours did you spend on this class this week? 01 Prepare - 01 Teach - 01 Prove 1st Attempt - 01 Prove 2nd Attempt - 01 Ponder - ---------------------------- Total Hours -